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Pediatric Chiropractic in Weatherford

It’s impossible to overemphasize the importance of a healthy nervous system in terms of a child’s development—they’re growing, developing, and learning at a rapid pace, and if their nervous system isn’t working optimally, their health and overall development can be impacted.

Being born is often the first major physical trauma of a child’s life, and even in a natural birth with no medical interventions, subluxations can occur and interfere with their nervous system function.

At McAfee Chiropractic, we have over a decade of experience helping kids as young as one day old get off to the best possible start in life.

Conditions We Help With

Many common childhood ailments can heal on their own when nervous system interference is eliminated.”

With newborns and infants, some of the common issues that cause parents to seek our care include:

  • Colic
  • Constipation
  • Ear infections
  • Latching issues
  • Sleeping difficulties
  • Torticollis

As kids move into the toddler phase, bumps and falls can lead to subluxations and symptoms such as bedwetting, behavioral issues, and digestive problems.

School-age kids and teens have the added pressures of carrying heavy backpacks, looking down at laptops and devices, playing on the playground, and participating in competitive sports. Staying on top of these daily traumas with regular chiropractic care can help with the following:

  • ADHD
  • Anxiety/depression
  • Headaches
  • Sports performance/injuries
  • “Tech neck”

Pediatric adjustment

Our Gentle Approach

Our chiropractors are trained in caring for kids as young as newborns. They will tailor a customized care plan specifically for your child, using safe, gentle techniques appropriate for their age and size. They take their time to help kids who may be nervous about their first adjustment—and after they realize we’re not the kind of doctors who give shots, kiddos typically love coming in for their adjustments.

Our chiropractors are also parents, and they care for our littlest patients the same way they care for their kids.

Help Your Child Flourish

It’s never too early to help your child get off to a healthy start in life! Contact us today to book their first appointment!

Pediatric Chiropractic Weatherford TX | (817) 594-0281